Monday, June 8, 2009

Review 25: The Alchemyst by Michael Scott

Title: The Alchemyst
Author: Michael Scott
Rating: 9/10
Publisher: Random House
The Lowdown:
What would happen if the person you admired the most suddenly told you that he was a thousand years old, keeper of a mysterious book with the immortality formula, and that a weird guy was after him to keep the book?
You must be out of your crazy mind.
But this is exactly what happens to twins Sophie and Josh Newman. And of course, there is adventure. Oh and did I forget to mention that they are trying to rescue the wife of this man? Oh yes sire.
The Good:
A. I enjoyed the story and I played along with the characters.
B. I also liked the mythological references. They were quite cool.
The Bad:
A. All the characters were trite and cliched.
B. The entire story was too predictable.
C. The book was extremely slow and dull.
The Consensus:
Why the 9 rating, you ask? Well, I am usually lenient on the first novel in a series because the author is trying to set up the tale. So, Michael Scott. I hope your next one is better! For the meantime, go ahead. Read the book, and tell me if you agree/disagree by COMMENTING.

Quick Overview:
Plot: 3/5
Original Appeal: 3.5/5
Ending: 3/5
EXTRA-ordinary: 4/5 (the mythology was interesting.)

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